Performing research by ressignifying post-industrial spaces in the city, Coletivo Lab.25 finds in a water reservoir of an old industrial complex, the investigative and speculative ground from which Overflow emerges. Using its containment architecture as a stage, the embodied experience in the place makes use of the inherent performativity between objects and bodies to reactivate an abandoned water reservoir that once fed the surrounding territory. At Fórum da Maia, along with the video recording of these actions, the spatial experience is unfolded by the presence of industrial piping found on the site. Besides its readymade characteristics, is used to amplify and organize the soundscape in the exhibition space.
Video, 6'27'', colour; Sound, 2'55'' mono; Water piping, fiberglass, monitor
Project by Coletivo Lab.25
(Álvaro Oliveira, Miguel Teodoro, Rodrigo Machado, Rui Mota)
The installation was exhinited in ÁGORA, Bienal de Arte Contemporânea da Maia, Fórum Maia, Portugal