Miguel Teodoro is a visual artist and researcher based between the Netherlands and Portugal. His research-based practice examines the interdependencies of materiality, geopolitics, ecology and visual culture through site-responsive installation and sculpture in dialogue with image-based media
Most recently he has examined how the histories of media and visual culture have altered landscapes in the Alentejo region of southern Portugal, with inquiry of the impacts of soil fertility and agro-chemical industries, and the resulting local material and territorial manifestations. Miguel Teodoro holds a MA in Geo-Design from the Design Academy Eindhoven (NL) and a BA in Fine Arts – Sculpture from the Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Porto (PT). Since 2016 Teodoro has worked and exhibited across multiple contexts, and participated in artist residencies and projects in Portugal, Cabo Verde, Brasil, Netherlands, Belgium and Austria. He is also co-founder of Mnemonic Studio and a member of Coletivo Lab.25.
2021-2023 . MA Graduate at Geo-Design department at Design Academy of Eindhoven (Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design) - Cum Laude2015-2019 . Bachelor in Fine Arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Porto, specialization in Sculpture
2018-2019 . Exchange Student at Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, in the studio “Expanded Pictorial Space – Sculpture, Installation, Action”
2023 . Graduation Show, Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2023 . Open Studio, Ressonâncias, A Condição do Campo, Évora, Portugal
2022 . pós-laboratórios de verão 2022, project "Overgrown", Gnration, Braga, Portugal
2022 . Infrastructures of Care showcased in the WaterSchool M4H+ exhibition at Design Museum Gent as part of Design Fest Gent may, Gent, Belgium
2021 . Margem, photography exhibition with Diogo Borges Ferreira, ciclo Re.Ver 01 - fotografia e suporte, AONORTE, Viana do Castelo, September
2021 . Intertidal, solo exhibition Mnemonic Pavilion, Viana do Castelo
2021 . Overflow, project by Coletivo Lab.25, Bienal da Maia 2021 - Ágora, Maia, Portugal ((Coletivo Lab.25)
2021 . Anuário ‘20, Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto, may (Coletivo Lab.25)
2021 . Entre o Caminho e a Clareira, curated by José Maia, Mira Forum, may integrated in Ci.CLO’21 Photography Biennale of Porto
2021 . group exhibition “onde começa a liberdade”, curated by José Maia and João Terras, Espaço Mira, Porto, april (Coletivo Lab.25)
2020 . “See Through”, solo exhibition in Kubikulo project, Kubikgallery, Porto
2020 . Temporary installation “2.294”, ÓILHA- Experimental platform between art and architecture, Porto, october
2020 . Promenade, solo exhibition by Coletivo Lab.25 in INSTITUTO, Porto, july
2020 . group exhibition “voltar a olhar-te (onde o criar habita)” curated by José Maia and João Terras, Espaço Mira, Porto, may
2020 . premiere of the video “To New Horizons”, integrated in the cicle “fora inverno, já era primavera, o verão seria glorioso” cutorship by José Maia and João Terras, Espaço Mira, Porto, april
2020 . As fotografias e o resto #5, Collective Exhibition, oMuseu, Porto, january
2019 . Primeira Mostra do Buldonhe, Collective Exhibition; Fundação Baltasar Lopes, Mindelo Cape Verde, november
2019 . 10/40, Collective Exhibition; Kubikgallery, Porto, july
2019 . ‘do ver a seis mãos’, Collective Exhibition, Encontrarte 2019, Amares, july
2019 . ‘pedra-sombra’. integrated on the project “Douro Hybrid - Dialogues around Art, Architecture”; Collective Exhibition with Cláudio Reis and curatorship by Tiago Casanova; Sala Douro, Espaço Porto Cruz, Vila Nova de Gaia, july
2019 . Art City-Art Creations Joint Exhibition, Exhibition Gallery of Meng Tak Building, Courtyard of Chi Un Building, Macao Polytechnic Institute, july, Macau
2019 . Acreção – Collective Exhibition, finalists of Fine Arts- Sculpture, oMuseu, FBAUP, Porto, june
2019 . Morar . Murar – projeto Lab.25, Galeria 1o andar FBAUP; Porto, june
2019 . Projeções, Collective Exhibition, Lugar do Desenho - Fundação Júlio Resende, Gondomar, june
2019 . Religar, Residência Artística: Deslocações #02, Museu Internacional de Escultura Contemporânea, Santo Tirso, may
2019 . Exposição de Desenho, Collective Exhibition, Urbansketchers, National Museum Soares dos Reis, Porto, april
2019 . Rundgang, Collective Exhibition, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Semperdepot, Vienna,january
2018 . Presentation of the Performance “Side-picking I/II” (conceived in collaboration with Max Landegren) in the Public Space Praterstern (Vienna) integrated in the event “Irgendwas und Paradies”, Vienna Art Week, Austria, october
2018 . ‘Tubo de Ensaios 17/18’, Collective Exhibition, FBAUP , Porto, june
2018 . Installation (in collaboration with Letícia Costelha) in the Collective Exhibition “SegundaOportunidade- Second Chance”, Armazéns de Santa Clara, Porto, june
2018 . “D’Après – A oficina/o laboratório/o natural”, Collective Exhibition of Printmaking, Reitoria da Universidade do Porto, june
2018 . Moving Street: Urban narratives: fiction, reality, printmaking – Rua de Belomonte, Collective Exhibition of Printmaking, Pure Print, Porto
2017 . A reflection on collective hallucination (Installation in the event as a member of Coletivo D-Frente), Maus Hábitos, Porto, october
2017 . Dejá-vu, Collective Exhibition in the Old Pediatric Hospital Maria Pia (as a member of Coletivo D-Frente), Galeria Oitavo, Porto, july
2023 . Dear Doc Fellowship, Docs Kingdom - International Documentary Film Seminar, Odemira, Portugal
2023 . Pó de Vir A Ser, A condição do Campo, Évora, Portugal
2022 . Laboratórios de Verão, Gnration, Braga, Portugal
2021 . Ler/Ser Paisagem, Pó de Vir a Ser, 40 anos do Simpósio Internacional de Escultura em Pedra - Évora 81, Marble Atelier, Évora
2020/21 . Tropismo Fotográfico tutored by Susana Lourenço Marques, Apparatus Project by Coletivo Lab.25 integrated in Ci.CLO’21 Photography Biennale of Porto
2020/21 . How to Become Native, solo project integrated in Artist-in-Residence, Espaço Mira, integrated Ci.CLO’21 Photography Biennale of Porto
2019 . Resident artist, member of the working group of the 1st Mondim de Basto Granite Symposium, Mondim de Basto Granite Biennial
2018 . Desenhar Chã - Artistic residency and collaboration with Chã das Caldeiras in Fogo Island, M_EIA and Atelier-Mar, Cape Verde. September
2018. Resulted in the publication “Desenhar Chã” focused on the work developed from the territory and relationship with the community.
2018 . Artistic residency for production and artistic research “Douro Hybrid - Dialogues around Art, Architecture”, September, Douro
2023 . Nominee for Gijs Bakker Award, Netherlands
2020 -2021 . Funding for cultural programme and production awarded to the project “Hiperlocal/Hyperlocal” in the competition “Viana Jovens com Talento” promoted by Viana do Castelo’s municipality
2022 . Shortlisted for the award "ART IN PUBLIC SPACE & SUSTAINABILITY", DST Group + Zetgallery
2020 -2021 . Funding for research and artistic production awarded to the project “Mnemonic Pavillion” in the competition “Viana Jovens com Talento” promoted by Viana do Castelo’s municipality
2019 . Fine Arts Acquisition Prize of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
2023 . Chemical Affinities, featured in Umbigo Magazine issue #86 Connection/Disconnection, October2023 . Ortha Feamainn/Seaweed Charm, set of Risographs with Climavore and An Lanntair featuring projects from 5 Contemporary artists working with seaweed as a theme
2022 . Unplanned Magazine, unplanned #1 — Miguel Teodoro PERFORMING LOCALITY — notas sobre investigação situada e práticas espaciais o caso de Mnemonic Pavilion — notes on situated research and spatial practices the case of Mnemonic Pavilion Edição/Edited by: Miguel Costa [i2ADS]; Design: Ana Willerding; ISSN: 2795-5206
2021 . De Cheap Journal, Design Academy Eindhoven
2021 . “Seaweed entanglements - Interweaving Tradition, Rurality and Gender in Northern Portugal” contribution for Hinterlands magazine issue #2 - germany
2021 . “Margem”, OFZINE n4 , in collaboration with Diogo Borges Ferreira and João Gigante, AONORTE
2021 . “On Forest Ruins” contribution for Robida 7 magazine - italy/slovenia
2021 . Teodoro, Miguel, “Olhar tudo de uma só vez: Notas sobre o movimento e o limiar da perceção” in Caderno #1 - inícios, Coleção Cadernos de Pensamento, Mnemonic + AONORTE, ISBN: 978-989-54416-6-2
2021 . Contributions for Post Nostalgic Knowings, (ed. Inês Moreira), Coletivos Pláka
2021 . Teodoro, Miguel. “A insustentável potência da escuta: (Ins)urgências em Conceição das Crioulas - Um ensaio sobre a hospitalidade em Conceição das Crioulas”. In Partilha de Reflexões sobre as Artes, as Lutas, os Sabores e os Saberes da Comunnidade de Conceição das Crioulas - livro II; edited by Paiva, José Carlos; i2ADS + AQCC, Porto
2020 . Photographic project “Buldonhe” featured in “Jornal Alix”, a publication dedicated to studies of photography and cinema, edited by Susana Lourenço Marques, i2ADS + FCT
2020 . “Notas sobre Chã”, in “DESENHAR CHÃ em Chã das Caldeiras, na Ilha do Fogo, Cabo Verde “; ed. Paiva, José Carlos & Simões, Sílvia; i2ADS + Edições Ponto e Vírgula, Porto, ISBN: 978-989-54703-3-4
2020 . “About Entropy”, in Blank Publication issue #2, IKA - Institute for Art and Architecture of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
2020 . Tête-à-Tête Bewegungs - Aktions - Interventionsradius; Praterstern, Vienna, Áustria
2019 . Publication on the public art project “Tête-à-Tête” funded by Kör (Kunst im öffentlichen Raum GmbH), a partnership with Akademie der Bildenden Kunste and FLUC. Contribution with the project “Side Picking I & II”
2018 . Compor, Revista MA; Architecture Magazine AEFAUP, p. 2, 13 e14
2023 - 2024 . Collaborator in the studio RS3: Alentejo Research Unit / Liquid Deserts Studio, MA Environmental Architecture at Royal College of Art , London
2021 - Now . author, curator and coordinator of Mnemonic Pavilion - Experimental research platform and art residencies for Art and Ecology
2016 - Now . Independent Visual Artist
2019 - 2021 . co-founder and active member of Coletivo Lab.25
2019 - Now . Co-editor and author of Mnemonic – a studio and online platform co-founded by Miguel Teodoro and Diogo Borges Ferreira.
2021 . Volunteer on the Production Team of MDOC - International Film Festival, Melgaço, Portugal
2020 . Art Educator in Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art
2019 . Intern and Resident Artist at Atelier-Mar + M_EIA (International School of Arts - Mindelo) collaborated with the Museu da Pesca (Tarrafal, S. Nicolau Island, Cape Verde),*
2018 - Now . Member of the research group Identidades (ID_CAI - Coletivo de Ação e Investigação), **
2017 - 2018 . Performer of Franz Erhard Walter’s piece “Vier Felder - four fields, four people” in the context of the exhibition Colecção de Serralves, Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art
* long term project that conceived a museum together with a fishermen community. My role was to cooperate with the curatorial and production team, contributing in the designing and assembling the layout and installing the artefacts. As a resident artist, I also assumed the role of co-coordinator (with Hugo Lopes) of participatory art installations in the museum’s garden and the production of illustrations for the main exhibition. This project is coordinated by M_EIA (International School of Arts - Mindelo) and Atelier Mar (an NGO founded in 1979, focused on developing training and research programs for the promotion and development of arts and crafts in Cape Verde)
** an informal cross-disciplinary collective affiliated with i2ADS (Research Institute of Art, Design and Society from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto) that, since 1996, focuses its practice and thinking on alternative artistic education, decolonized studies and epistemologies of the south working with communities in Cape Verde, Brazil and Mozambique.
2019 . oMuseu, Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
2021 . Private Collection
2023 . Becoming Assembly: On the Whys and Hows of Design Today; tutored by Vera Sacchetti, Coletivos Pláka
2023 . Fertile Futures International Summer Seminar, Portuguese Representation 18th Architecture Venice Biennale, Fundão, Portugal
2021 . Love and Garbage, tutored by Assemble Studio, Coletivos Pláka
2019 . Creating a Sustainable Life: Permaculture; Mugla, Turkey, Erasmus + programme
2019 . Práticas Pós-Nostálgicas / Post-Nostalgic Knowings, tutored by Inês Moreira and Aneta Szyłak, Coletivos Pláka
2019 . II Encontro com as Artes, a Luta, os Saberes e os Sabores da Comunidade Quilombola de Conceição das Crioulas, Brazil
2019 . Art under Condition: Post/Colonialism (Porto Research), an exchange between HGB Leipzig and FBAUP
2018 . Workshop “Terra de ninguém: da gravura sitiada à gravura in situ”, Pure Print, Abril, Ovar. 2018 Workshop “Moving Street: Urban narratives: fiction, reality, printmaking“, Pure Print, Maio, Porto
2017 . Technological Specialization Course on GlassBlowing, CENCAL, Marinha Grande