This project focuses the gaze on Cape Verdean territories. These are images that travel in time and space, prolonging the period of latency that is necessary for them to acquire the thickness of the place from which they come from. Buldonhe is a Creole word that describes the approach of responding directly to a context and a need. Looking at the available and allowing the refunctionalisation of materials and objects is a Cape Verdean condition that fascinates me.
The mountain is established as a fictional element, recognizing its poetic inclination - from fragment to landscape. It is through it that we position ourselves and through it that we build; we create ephemeral architectures that elevate and shelter us.
The insular nature of the images can be read as an articulation between landscapes, moments and territories - island-images whose relationship is constructed by coexistence and sequence. From the natural to the constructed, from the volcanic crater to the ingenious method of containing matter in a small pile. About this conflict of scale, of cosmovisions and of space-time conceptions, I recall a scientific reflection to think these images: time is not the same everywhere, it runs slower where gravity is stronger. In other words, my feet are younger than my head.
CABO VERDE 2019/20
Photographic project featured in “Jornal Alix”,a publication dedicated to studies of photography and cinema, edited by Susana Lourenço Marques, i2ADS + FCT