Morar . Murar
COLETIVO LAB.25 is a dynamic laboratory of experimentation and artistic exploration from the paradigm of the city today. Having as research location the Palacete J. Narcizo D’Azevedo and the contiguous Ilha (a social housing structure from Porto) and Factory Fogões Meireles, exploring the temporal and spatial relationship with the surroundings,s re-analysing space through the production of narratives and poetic situations.
In a place of sedimentation of temporalities, an archaeology of the urban takes place. At the center of this thought is the transitory condition of the lot, a space with a singular temporality, floating between an inhabited past, an expectant present and a distant but promising future. A visual archive of projections, encounters, creative speculations and appropriations of space is created.
Morar . Murar materializes a small part of the research carried out during the last four months. A place that condenses in itself structures representative of the identity of Porto, a microcosm of a city that, in a movement devoid of consciousness, is rapidly transformed.
Walls are erected. It is important not to forget who lives there.
Project by Coletivo Lab.25

Coletivo Lab.25, initiated in 2019, creates places for reflection and discussion about the contemporary condition of the city, through the design of exhibition situations and spatial practices that are oriented to the framework and territory in which they are inserted. The collective's research operates in post-industrial sites within the urban context, looking at them as speculative and investigative ground for analyzing its temporal and spatial relationship with the surroundings.
In the trajectory of the collective stand out the solo exhibitions "Murar.Morar", at Galeria do Primeiro Andar, FBAUP, Porto, 2019; "Promenade", at INSTITUTO, Porto, 2020; and the collective shows: "onde começa a liberdade", Espaço Mira, Porto, 2021; "Anuário '20", Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto, 2021 and "Tropismo Fotográfico 2", Bienal'21 de fotografia do Porto, 2021.